
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Finally Finished!!!

A few years ago I took a trip to Hilton Head, SC and was so excited to see the Harbour Light... the iconic symbol of Sea Pines.

Imagine my surprise when I learned the lighthouse was not an old relic who helped navigate war ships at sea. There was never a light house keeper, or any stories of maintaining the light during storms. No, this lighthouse was built with private funding, started in 1969 and finished in 1970.

I'll admit, I was disappointed. I have seen so many 'real' lighthouses up and down the coast... and after paying a small fee to even enter the area, I was really taken aback when they charged yet another fee to walk to the top of the lighthouse to look out over the shops. Actually... I laughed. It was ridiculous!

Later that week I was in a  needlepoint shop searching for a canvas that was local to the area. I settled on the Harbour Town Lighthouse as a reminder of how funny I thought the whole thing was. When I got home I tucked it away to do 'later'.

So much happened since that day... including selling most of my possessions and packing up the rest to move. I honestly thought I lost the canvas in the move. I was bummed.

A few months ago I unearthed it... and let out a cheer! Whoop! I brought it along with me on my trip south and worked diligently until it was finished. I finished it TONIGHT!!! Take a look!

If you look very, very close you will notice I used beads on the star, and sparkly thread to help make the lighthouse shine. Now I have to finish it off into a pillow.

Now that THAT'S done... I'm on to my next project.

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